Group Members


Jin Lei

Professor at Tongji University

  • 2013.10-2016.7 PhD with Antonio M. Moro, University of Seville
  • 2016.8-2019.8 Postdoc with Charlotte Elster, Ohio University
  • 2019.11-2020.10 Postdoc with Angela Bonaccorso, INFN-Pisa

PhD and Master Students

Hao Liu

PhD student from Tongji U, conducting research on the CDCC method, focusing specifically on the microscopic description of the internal structure of the projectile. He has published one paper in Physical Review C (Vol. 108, No. 014617, 2023)

Junzhe Liu

PhD student from Tongji U, conducting research on the inclusive breakup reaction model with a particular emphasis on surrogate reactions. He has published one paper in Physical Review C (Vol. 108, No. 024606, 2023)

Jizheng Bo

PhD student from Tongji U, conducting research on the application of the quantum few-body model to nuclear decay processes.

## Alumni

Yazhou Lu

Role: Master student from Tongji U, conducting research on the development of a semi-classical single folding potential based on the global nucleon-nucleus optical potential. He has published one paper in Physical Review C (Vol. 108, No. 024612, 2023)