Our research group is at the forefront of nuclear physics, a field that is essential for unraveling the mysteries of matter at its most intricate level. We focus on using the quantum few-body model to study the structure and reaction of atomic nuclei, with a particular emphasis on weakly bound nuclei. These nuclei play a crucial role in understanding the fundamental nuclear forces and the stability of atomic structures. Within this sphere, we are captivated by breakup reactions, which are not only complex but also provide profound insights into the nature of nuclear interactions.
In the past, our group worked on the nuclear reaction process by using a quantum three-body model, by assuming the projectile is weakly bound and has a two-body structure. We were doing reactions on the inclusive breakup, in which only one of the fragments of the projectile after collision is detected, by using the Ichimura-Austern-Vincent (IAV) model developed in the 1980s. By using this model, we have successfully studied fusion processes and the incomplete fusion process.
In the future, the research of our group will mainly focus on the following aspects:
Extending the CDCC Method with Ab-initio Structure Calculations: In the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channels (CDCC) method, we are taking projectiles, such as 6Li as an alpha + deuteron structure, by using a simple Woods-Saxon potential to bind these two clusters. In this research, we will try to make a full ab-initio study of the internal structure of the alpha and deuteron, by considering all the internal degrees of freedom of these nuclei, we can make a realistic description of the reaction.
Dynamics of Four-Body Systems: Specifically, we are interested in four-body breakup processes. Given the known challenges in handling three charged particles from Faddeev’s perspective, we are keen to tackle a four-body breakup calculation for four charged particles. The approach would involve a Distorted Wave Born Approximation (DWBA) framework, treating the projectile-target wave function in a distorted wave and considering the projectile as having a three-body structure.
Study of Resonance Decay Processes: We will start with two-body decay scenarios, such as alpha decay, conceptualizing the alpha and daughter nuclei within a simplistic two-body framework. Our journey will extend to more complex systems, like three-body decays (like two proton decay), and potentially even five-body decays (alpha decay in a 5-body model).
Develop a Successful Surrogate Reaction Model: A surrogate reaction is a type of indirect method used to study nuclear reactions that are difficult to measure directly. This technique is particularly useful for reactions involving unstable, radioactive nuclei that cannot be used as targets in a laboratory setting, or for reactions that require conditions that are hard to achieve experimentally, such as very high temperatures or neutron fluxes. The study of the inclusive breakup reaction by using the IAV model proposed a potential way to fully deal with the surrogate reaction. We will continue on this research trajectory.
Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of nuclear physics is unwavering. We aim to deepen our understanding of nuclear matter through innovative theoretical approaches and sophisticated modeling, contributing to the broader field of nuclear science and its applications. With a blend of established methods and cutting-edge techniques, our group is poised to make significant advances in the study of nuclear dynamics.