
  • 2024.07.22, 北京航空航天大学医学物理简介, 张高龙, 教授, 北京航空航天大学, slides, slides
  • 2024.07.08, 不稳定核的精密激光核谱学研究:进展与展望, 杨晓菲, 教授, 北京大学, slides
  • 2024.05.08, Nuclear theory for exotic nuclei: selected topics, Kim Youngman, Researcher, Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies, Institute for Basic Science in Daejeon, slides
  • 2024.05.06, Clustering phenomenon from nuclear physics perspective, Marek Płoszajczak, Researcher, GANIL, slides
  • 2024.04.24, Towards a microscopic description for low-energy induced fission, Kouichi Hagino, Professor, Kyoto University, slides
  • 2024.04.11, Four- and five-body effects in nucleus-nucleus scattering, Pierre Descouvemont, Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles, slides
  • 2024.04.11, Reactions of weakly-bound nuclei at near-barrier energies, 林承键, 研究员, 院子能科学研究院, slides
  • 2023.11.09, The Hyperspherical Harmonic basis for ab-initio nuclear physics, Alex Gnech, Postdoc, ECT*, slides
  • 2023.10.25, Modeling neutrinoless double-beta decay with operators from chiral effective field theory, 尧江明, 教授, 中山大学, slides
  • 2023.09.07, 基于(p, pN)单核子移除反应的原子核结构研究, 孙叶磊, 副教授, 北京航空航天大学
  • 2023.08.21, Isospin dynamics in heavy ion reactions, 肖志刚, 教授, 清华大学
  • 2023.06.20, 高频引力波天文学简介, 范锡龙, 教授, 武汉大学, slides
  • 2023.06.07, 原子核的简单规律, 赵玉民, 教授, 上海交通大学, slides
  • 2023.06.07, 不稳定原子核的奇特结构与直接反应机制研究, 王建松, 教授, 湖州师范学院学, slides
  • 2023.05.25, Skyrme Hartree-Fock理论对Ξ-超核性质的研究, 周先荣, 教授, 华东师范大学, slides
  • 2023.05.25, 滴线原子核中的同位旋对称性破缺, 李建国, 特别研究助理, 中国科学院近代物理研究所, slides
  • 2023.05.25, 从手征核力到核物理第一性原理计算, 许甫荣, 教授, 北京大学, slides
  • 2023.05.08, 中低能放射性束破裂反应实验研究, 杨彦云, 研究员, 中国科学院近代物理研究所, slides
  • 2023.04.27, 基于集团敲出反应研究原子核体系的集团结构, 杨再宏, 助理教授, 北京大学, slides
  • 2023.04.27, 利用氢靶开展的敲出反应机制研究和丰中子Ca区的壳演化研究, 刘红娜, 研究员, 北京师范大学, slides
  • 2022.11.25, 协变密度泛函理论对原子核电磁性质的研究, 李剑,教授,吉林大学, slides
  • 2022.11.17, Selected topics in experimental nuclear physics studies at Beihang, 孙保华,教授,北京航空航天大学, slides
  • 2022.11.10, 探索未知原子核——新核素合成和新元素实验研究进展, 张志远,研究员,中国科学院近代物理研究所, slides
  • 2022.11.07, Recent progress in two-proton radioactivity, 王思敏,研究员,复旦大学, slides
  • 2022.11.03, Nuclear beta decay and electron capture in the origin of heavy elements, 牛一斐, 教授, 兰州大学, slides
  • 2022.10.28, 弱束缚原子核6Li引起的反应机制和核结构研究, 张高龙, 教授, 北京航空航天大学, slides
  • 2022.09.30, 三体核反应:转移反应、破裂反应和三核子反应, 庞丹阳,教授,北京航空航天大学, slides
  • 2022.09.19, 丰质子核奇异衰变和近垒奇特核反应, 林承键,研究员,中国原子能科学研究院, slides
  • 2022.09.16, Nuclear shapes, collective excitation and fission, 李志攀,教授,西南大学, slides
  • 2022.07.28, Faddeev calculations of three-neutron systems, Souichi Ishikawa, Professor, Hosei University,slides, video record
  • 2022.07.08, Alpha and alpha cluster in nuclei, 赵鹏巍, 研究员, 北京大学, slides
  • 2022.07.06, Nonrelativistic calculations with FeynOnium, Vladyslav Shtabovenko, postdoc, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, slides, video record
  • 2022.06.28, 电子俘获致核激发实验研究, 郭松, 研究员, 近代物理研究所,slides, video record
  • 2022.04.13, Geometry, entanglement and causality in the non-relativistic scattering matrix, Silas Beane, Professor, Washington University,slides, video record
  • 2022.03.18, Quantum many-body dynamics in heavy-ion fusion reactions around the Coulomb barrier, Kouichi Hagino, Professor, Kyoto University, slides, video record
  • 2022.03.11, Improving mass predictions throughout the Nuclear Chart, Rodrigo Navarro Perez, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University, slides, video record
  • 2022.03.02, Reaction models in nuclear astrophysics, Pierre Descouvemont, FNRS Research Director, Université Libre de Bruxelles, slides, video record
  • 2022.02.24, Rodeo algorithm for quantum computation, Dean Lee, Professor, MSU, USA, slides, video record
  • 2022.02.17, Unnuclear physics and universality, Hans-Werner Hammer, EMMI Professor TU Darmstadt, Germany, slides, video record
  • 2022.01.24, Eigenvector Continuation in Nuclear Physics, Sebastian Koenig, North Carolina State University, slides, video record
  • 2021.12.29, Pionless Effective Field Theory for Nuclei and Hypernuclei, Betzalel Bazak,Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, slides, video record
  • 2021.12.02, More is different: Particle‐number‐dependence in EFT, Chieh-Jen (Jerry) Yang, Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, slides, video record
  • 2021.11.25, Clusters and correlations in nuclear structure and reactions with light nuclei, Lorenzo Fortunato, Univ. Padova (Italy),slides, video record
  • 2021.11.10, Recent advances in few-body nuclear reactions, Arnoldas Deltuva, Vilnius University, slides, video record
  • 2021.11.03, Using Bayesian methods to assess model uncertainty in nuclear physics, Daniel Phillips, Ohio University, slides, video record
  • 2021.10.21, In-medium similarity renormalization group with resonance and continuum, Baishan Hu(胡柏山), TRIUMF, video record
  • 2021.09.30, 理论研究弹性碰撞的约束变分方法, 张俊义, 中国科学院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院, video record
  • 2021.09.23, (Un)utility of Faddeev-Yakubovski equations, Rimantas LAZAUSKAS, CNRS, IPHC, Strasbourg slides, video record
  • 2021.09.16, Improved Uncertainty Estimates with R-Matrix Theory, Daniel Odell, Postdoc, Ohio University, video record
  • 2021.09.02, Ab initio nuclear scattering and reaction calculation, Xilin Zhang, MSU, slides,video record
  • 2021.07.14, Calculation of the A=6 bound states within the hyperspherical harmonic basis, Alex Gnech, Jefferson Lab, slides
  • 2021.06.21, Jacobi no-core Shell Model (J-NCSM), Hoai Le, Forschungszentrum Jülich, slides